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Develop by Workfeed ApS
Free App

The employee scheduling app you and your team deserve.

Employee scheduling
Time clock
Revenue forecasting
Time and attendance
Employee app
1 Reviews

About Workfeed

Launched Dec 20, 2023


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Companies of all sizes use Workfeed to create, share, and track work schedules across departments.

Employers and managers use Workfeed to create work schedules that strike a perfect balance between the needs of their workforce and the demands of their business. By doing so, they pave the way towards optimized labor costs, a top-notch work environment, and outstanding business results.

Employers and managers use Workfeed to create work schedules that strike a perfect balance between the needs of their workforce and the demands of their business. By doing so, they pave the way towards optimized labor costs, a top-notch work environment, and outstanding business results. more
  • Employee Scheduling - Schedule months ahead in minutes.
  • Time and Attendance - Keep track of working hours, availability, and attendance.
  • Time Clock - Track working hours down to the minute and avoid costly errors.
  • Employee App - Easily share schedules and updates in the app.
  • Revenue and labor forecasting - Schedule more accurately with on revenue data.


  • Simple and intuitive interface makes it easy for employers and managers to create schedules.
  • Facilitates optimized labor costs by enabling accurate scheduling based on revenue data.
  • Efficient time and attendance tracking helps in keeping accurate records of working hours and availability.
  • Real-time employee app allows for easy sharing of schedules and updates, improving communication.
  • Time clock feature minimizes errors by tracking working hours down to the minute.
  • Enables long-term scheduling by allowing schedules to be made months ahead in minutes.


  • May require training for employees to fully utilize all features effectively.
  • Dependence on consistent internet access for real-time updates and schedule sharing.
  • Could be overwhelming for small businesses due to the variety of features and options.
  • No information on integration capability with other existing business tools.
  • Limited offline functionality might disrupt operations in case of connectivity issues.

Top Helpful Reviews


Jan 25, 2024  on Shopify

For now, I am only testing this new app on my computer and I can say that until now, it's working very well and is super user friendly! I'm still on the free trial, but I think I'll keep it after that anyway for my small business with 3 employees (including me) and 2 sub-contractors. The phone app is also very simple and easy to use. I only wish this app had a french version. For now, this is my only concern and that is why I didn't give it 5 stars! I look forward to see how it will develop! :) -Zach

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