AutoFarm: Weekly Pick List logo

AutoFarm: Weekly Pick List


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Automatically generate weekly pick list

Automated pick lists
Real-time order data
Integrated scheduling

About AutoFarm: Weekly Pick List

Built by Toby Murray Enterprises

BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
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Loyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...


Zero-click generation of recurring pick lists!

Do you have a fixed weekly schedule that you pick inventory and pack orders on? You regularly have to aggregate all line items across all orders to ensure everything is picked in one shot? You're frustrated that what makes the best experience for customers, accepting orders until the very last minute, is also what makes for the most stressful workdays? Configure once, then enjoy automatically generated pick lists at your fingertips

Do you have a fixed weekly schedule that you pick inventory and pack orders on? You regularly have to aggregate all line items across all orders to ensure everything is picked in one shot? You're frustrated that what makes the best experience for customers, accepting orders until the very last minute, is also what makes for the most stressful workdays? Configure once, then enjoy automatically generated pick lists at your fingertips more
  • Get your real-time order data all in one view
  • Spend less time at the computer and more time doing what matters
  • Let computers tackle the boring stuff


  • Automatically generates weekly pick lists, reducing manual effort
  • Configurable one time, streamlining the process for users thereafter
  • Aggregates all line items across all orders, ensuring comprehensive picking
  • Real-time order data available in one view, improving accessibility and readability
  • Reduces time spent on administrative tasks, allowing more focus on core activities
  • Automates repetitive tasks, leveraging the strength of computing for efficiency


  • Suitable mainly for businesses with fixed weekly schedules, limiting use cases for more dynamic operations
  • May require initial setup time and effort to configure correctly
  • Dependence on the app for critical operational workflow might pose a risk if technical issues arise

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