Vendors logo logo

Vendors logo


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    Give your vendors a face today

    Clickable vendor logos
    Vendor titles display
    List all vendors
    Upload vendor images
    Vendor-specific collection pages
    3 Reviews

    About Vendors logo

    Launched Nov 06, 2018


    Built by Charanpahariapp

    Email :

    [email protected]


    kaimashikoh, patna city, patna, BR, 800008, IN

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy


    Give your vendors an identity and let your customers purchase more products from the same vendor

    Vendors are the most important assets of an e-commerce business and a key point of up-selling, cross-selling and customer retention. If your marketplace is still lacking a vendor's image then you can give Your Vendors an identity using this app and let your customers purchase more products from the same vendor. This app will allow you to show a clickable vendor logo and a vendor title on your product page.

    Vendors are the most important assets of an e-commerce business and a key point of up-selling, cross-selling and customer retention. If your marketplace is still lacking a vendor's image then you can give Your Vendors an identity using this app and let your customers purchase more products from the same vendor. This app will allow you to show a clickable vendor logo and a vendor title on your product page. more
    • The app will show all the listed vendors on the store
    • Upload an image for all the vendors to show over product and collections pages
    • Create collection page for the vendors

    Rating And Reviews

    Post Modern Vandal

    Sep 20, 2020  on Shopify

    A great app to add a nice touch to your product pages. Support is top notch. I emailed them and they were able to help me immediately.

    Local Artisan

    Aug 27, 2020  on Shopify

    This is an awesome little app - works really well and the support is quick and efficient. Thank you!


    Jul 12, 2019  on Shopify

    Pro.. - Allows for deep customisation if you have the knoledge - Makes it easier to add vendor logos than manually adding html for each new vendors. Cons... Does not auto update new vendors to "Vendor Listing" page when you add new products and vendors to your website.

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