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Undo: Backup and Restore


/ Month
7 Days Free Trial

Backup every change you make, restore any item in one click

Real-time tracking
One-click restore
Theme updates tracking
Accentuate fields integration
Asset backup
3 Reviews

About Undo: Backup and Restore

Launched Jan 14, 2021


Built by Undo Backup & Storage

Email :

[email protected]


350 Wellington Street West, 420, Toronto, ON, M5V 3W9, CA

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Get secure, time-versioned backups for all your key objects and images with 365 days history

Undo continuously tracks changes to products, product images and collections in real time as well as changes to assets like pages, blogs and articles several times per hour. Even your theme updates are tracked. This allows you to easily recover from accidental deletes or misconfiguration. Someone broke something? A buggy app made a mess? Not to worry, just undo the changes to any point in time and avoid unwanted downtime and lost sales.

Undo continuously tracks changes to products, product images and collections in real time as well as changes to assets like pages, blogs and articles several times per hour. Even your theme updates are tracked. This allows you to easily recover from accidental deletes or misconfiguration. Someone broke something? A buggy app made a mess? Not to worry, just undo the changes to any point in time and avoid unwanted downtime and lost sales. more
  • Backup for all your key Shopify objects and images with 365 days history
  • Unwanted changes can easily be recovered to an earlier version with just a click
  • Integrates seamlessly with Accentuate Custom Fields including your custom images


  • Continuously tracks changes to products, product images, and collections in real-time
  • Tracks changes to assets like pages, blogs, and articles several times per hour
  • Allows for easy recovery from accidental deletes or misconfigurations
  • Can undo changes to any point in time to avoid unwanted downtime and lost sales
  • Provides backup for all key Shopify objects and images with 365 days of history
  • Unwanted changes can be easily recovered to an earlier version with just a click
  • Integrates seamlessly with Accentuate Custom Fields, including custom images


  • Potential for high memory or storage usage due to continuous tracking and 365-day history
  • May require users to feel comfortable relying heavily on app for backups and restores
  • Possible dependence on app stability and robustness, which can be a risk if app experiences downtimes or bugs
  • App's utility could be limited by the user's understanding and management of the version control system

Top Helpful Reviews


Apr 02, 2024  on Shopify

Lifesaver! This app is like having an undo button for your entire store. I accidentally deleted a whole collection of products last week, and with a few clicks in Undo, I had everything back in place. No more panicking over mistakes – Undo gives me peace of mind knowing I can revert anything. Highly recommend!

Natural Heroes

Jun 30, 2021  on Shopify

Well finally... Something that Shopify should have built a long time ago. Have tested it a bit and seems to work great so far. You can reverse all changes you made to a product, page, collection, blog, metafield and soon theme too. Perfect!

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