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Customer reviews: Typito Video Maker

Develop by Typito, Inc.

Reviews (37)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants generally find "Typito Video Maker" to be an intuitive and efficient tool for creating high-quality videos quickly and effortlessly. The app is praised for its straightforward design, making video creation accessible for users of all skill levels. However, some users believe there's room for improvement in the user interface to further enhance usability.

Key Strengths

  • Easy to use and intuitive interface
  • High-quality video output
  • Wide range of free videos and images available
  • Quick video creation process
  • Useful for product advertising
  • Comprehensive help and support resources

Common Concerns

  • User interface could be more user-friendly
  • Text and caption synchronization with images could be improved
  • Limited text style options in the free version

Final Thoughts

Overall, "Typito Video Maker" receives a positive reception from merchants who appreciate its ease of use and effectiveness in producing professional-looking videos. While it has some areas for enhancement, especially regarding text and design flexibility, it remains a recommended tool for those looking to improve their advertising and video content creation.


Sep 18, 2020  on Shopify

This was a fantastic experience. Creating videos is my favorite thing to do except eat ice cream. Typito made it blazingly easy. The only reason I rated it four stars is that it was hard to move the text/captions to sync with the pictures. But otherwise, a GREAT experience. Nailed it in less than 2 hours.

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