Twinr ‑ Mobile App Builder logo

Twinr ‑ Mobile App Builder

Develop by Twinr


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Turn website to native mobile app in minutes.

    Push notifications
    Seamless integrations
    Abandoned cart
    No coding
    Ios & android
    App approval
    Launch apps

    About Twinr ‑ Mobile App Builder

    Launched Nov 16, 2023


    Built by Twinr

    Email :

    [email protected]


    159 Rue Beethoven, Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC, J7V0M7, CA

    Website Privacy policy Tutorial FAQ


    Twinr: A no-code app builder that turns stores into mobile apps. Built for growth & mobile-first.

    Unlock the full potential of your Shopify store with Twinr—your go-to no-code mobile app builder. Got a website? Cool, you're halfway there. Turn it into a slick mobile app! No coding, no fuss. Enjoy features like automated push notifications and seamless integrations, all without breaking the bank. Cut down on ad spend and offer a shopping experience your customers will love. Let's make your brand not just mobile-friendly, but mobile-first.

    Unlock the full potential of your Shopify store with Twinr—your go-to no-code mobile app builder. Got a website? Cool, you're halfway there. Turn it into a slick mobile app! No coding, no fuss. Enjoy features like automated push notifications and seamless integrations, all without breaking the bank. Cut down on ad spend and offer a shopping experience your customers will love. Let's make your brand not just mobile-friendly, but mobile-first. more
    • Build and launch native iOS & Android mobile apps.
    • Send unlimited push notifications for instant reach and revenue.
    • Abandoned cart notifications: Recover customers without their emails.
    • Unparalleled support with dedicated support managers available 24/7.
    • Guaranteed app approval.


    • No-code mobile app builder: Perfect for store owners with no coding skills
    • Easy conversion: Transforms website to mobile app quickly
    • Automated push notifications: Boosts customer engagement effortlessly
    • Seamless integrations: Works well without hassle
    • Cost-effective: Offers features without breaking the bank
    • Helps cut down ad spend: Optimizes marketing budget
    • Offers a mobile-first shopping experience: Enhances customer satisfaction
    • Unlimited push notifications: Improves reach and revenue
    • Abandoned cart notifications: Helps recover customers efficiently
    • 24/7 dedicated support: Provides comprehensive assistance
    • Guaranteed app approval: Ensures app gets published


    • Limited to Shopify stores: Only beneficial for Shopify users
    • Potential learning curve: Some users may need time to get used to the interface
    • Dependency on mobile-friendliness: Success largely depends on making the app mobile-first

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