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Develop by Thingtesting
  • Built for Shopify
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    Embed your Thingtesting reviews and increase consumer trust

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    1 Reviews

    About Thingtesting

    Launched Jul 01, 2022


    Built by Thingtesting

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    444 W Willis Street, Detroit, MI, 48201, US

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    Honest reviews from Thingtesting. Help consumers shop better.

    With the rise of fake reviews, paid influencers, and cherry-picked endorsements, trust in online reviews and concerns about review censorship have made navigating the world of online shopping very challenging. At its core, the problem with online reviews today is that consumers are often not served the full spectrum of experiences by brands. That’s why the role of Thingtesting as an independent, third-party destination for honest reviews from real people has never been more important.

    With the rise of fake reviews, paid influencers, and cherry-picked endorsements, trust in online reviews and concerns about review censorship have made navigating the world of online shopping very challenging. At its core, the problem with online reviews today is that consumers are often not served the full spectrum of experiences by brands. That’s why the role of Thingtesting as an independent, third-party destination for honest reviews from real people has never been more important. more
    • Display your brand's average Thingtesting rating in your store
    • Embed your Thingtesting reviews on your own site
    • Connect your store with your brand page on Thingtesting


    • Provides a platform for honest reviews from real people
    • Independent, third-party destination that reduces the impact of fake reviews, paid influencers, and cherry-picked endorsements
    • Helps consumers navigate online shopping more effectively
    • Increases consumer trust by offering the full spectrum of experiences with brands
    • Allows brands to display their average Thingtesting rating in their store
    • Enables brands to embed Thingtesting reviews on their own site
    • Connects brand stores with their brand page on Thingtesting


    • Possible dependency on the platform for reviews, which might limit control for brands
    • May require brands to encourage customers to post reviews on Thingtesting to maintain a robust review profile

    Rating And Reviews


    Sep 20, 2022  on Shopify

    Thingtesting is the bomb! Time to ironically RATE THEM! 5 Stars no doubt about it what an awesome platform couldn't recommend it more :) -JT from Craftmix

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