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Customer reviews: SwiftRate ‑ Currency Converter

Develop by Codexade

Reviews (34)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants generally appreciate "SwiftRate ‑ Currency Converter" for its accurate currency conversion capabilities and free-of-charge service. It has been highlighted as both easy to set up and use, which suits the needs of many users looking for quick integration.

Key Strengths

  • Accurate currency conversion
  • Free to use
  • Quick and easy setup

Common Concerns

  • Instances of the app not working
  • Verification issues whether the app is functioning as intended on storefronts

Final Thoughts

"SwiftRate ‑ Currency Converter" is a well-received tool that offers essential currency conversion services at no cost, making it appealing to a wide array of merchants. However, its performance consistency appears to be a concern for some users, indicating that enhancements may be needed for more reliable functionality.


Dec 31, 2023  on Shopify

Very wonderful app. Coverts currency accurately and best of all it's free. Nice work to the developers

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