SuperFaktúra | Integration logo

SuperFaktúra | Integration

Develop by Make It Easy!


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available 14 Days Free Trial

    Automated and simplified invoicing with SuperFaktúra

    Email automation
    Shopify admin integration
    Automated invoicing
    Order-triggered documents
    Customizable document content
    Currency support
    Language support
    Paid status syncing
    Invoice options
    2 Reviews

    About SuperFaktúra | Integration

    Built by Make It Easy!

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Budafoki str. 3., Budapest, 1111, HU

    Website Privacy policy Tutorial FAQ Document


    Save time and minimize your administration by sending invoices automatically to your customers

    Install this app, connect it to your SuperFaktúra account, and your documents will be created automatically triggered by your orders' statuses. Configure your documents content and the triggers easily on your dashboard. It supports sales in different currencies and languages, so as an invoice management tool it will grow with you. Our human support service is available every day of the week.

    Install this app, connect it to your SuperFaktúra account, and your documents will be created automatically triggered by your orders' statuses. Configure your documents content and the triggers easily on your dashboard. It supports sales in different currencies and languages, so as an invoice management tool it will grow with you. Our human support service is available every day of the week. more
    • Simply send automatically by email
    • Customizable content such as Language, Unit or Variable symbol
    • Customer's VAT ID directly on the document. OSS compliance.
    • Automatic paid status syncing
    • You can send Invoice or Proforma invoice


    • Automated creation of documents triggered by order statuses
    • Easy configuration of document content and triggers
    • Support for sales in different currencies and languages
    • Human support service available every day of the week
    • Automatic syncing of paid status
    • Customizable content including language, units, and variable symbols
    • OSS compliance with customer's VAT ID directly on the document
    • Ability to send invoices or proforma invoices automatically by email
    • Saves time by eliminating the need for manual invoice creation
    • Clear instructions make installation and setup quick and straightforward
    • Positive reviews with emphasis on excellent support from the development team


    Rating And Reviews


    Aug 22, 2024  on Shopify

    App works great with Superfaktura. Very helpful support. If you want to use shopify with superfaktura it´s not better app.

    Microgreens Slovakia

    Aug 11, 2024  on Shopify

    I recently had the pleasure of working with the company Make it Easy and its owner, Bence, who provided fantastic support in resolving a significant issue we were facing. The problem occurred with the automatic sending of invoices due to a rare bug while connecting two external systems of Superfaktura and the Make it easy modul. What stood out about Bence was his promptness and reliability. He consistently responded quickly and was incredibly accommodating, friendly, and professional throughout the process. Despite several attempts to fix the issue, the problem persisted, but Bence and his team were relentless and did not give up. Their dedication and persistence paid off as they eventually identified and resolved the fault. Once the issue was fixed, the service began to function perfectly. The result was seamless and efficient invoice processing, thanks to Bence and his team's hard work and commitment. I highly recommend Make it Easy to anyone in need of reliable and professional support. Their exceptional customer service and determination to solve problems are truly commendable. Koszonom Szepen Bence !


    Apr 14, 2024  on Shopify

    Finally public app which connect superfaktura and shopify! App is working just fine, installation takes about 3 minutes. I really appreciate amazing support from Bence and his team. Good job guys!


    Apr 04, 2024  on Shopify

    Roky som čakal na jednoduchú aplikáciu, ktorá by zjednodušila prenos dát z objednávok v Shopify do SuperFaktúry. Táto apka automaticky prenáša údaje o zákazníkoch a detaily objednávok, vrátane cien a zľav, čím eliminuje potrebu ručného vytvárania faktúr a znižuje šancu na chyby. Jej použitie tiež prináša výraznú úsporu času. Nastavenie apky je vďaka jasným inštrukciám veľmi jednoduché a rýchle. Umožňuje napríklad aj explicitné určenie, pod ktorým čísleným radom sa má vytvoriť faktúra. V prvotných štádiach som narazil na menšie chybky, ale promptná podpora od vývojára ich vždy rýchlo vyriešila. Zhrnuté a podčiarknuté - konečne apka, ktorá ušetrí tony času prevádzkovateľom e-shopov pri tvorení faktúr.

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