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Specify ‑ Product Features

Develop by CTA Ecom


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7 Days Free Trial

Display your products' benefits to generate more sales

Custom product images
Display benefits visually
Highlight key features
Position highlights creatively
300+ pictograms

About Specify ‑ Product Features

Launched Jan 05, 2021


Built by CTA Ecom

Email :

[email protected]


Bernstrasse 18, Brügg, 2555, CH

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Introduction Video


#What is Specify - Visual Product Features? Specify is an application that allows you to visually present the strengths and benefits of your products to your customers in a fast and efficient way. #What features does Specify offer? * Present up to 8 highlights of your product at a time. * Present highlights to the left, right, or around the image of your product. * Add custom images of your product to highlight it in the best possible way. * Choose from over 300 pictograms to effectively...

#What is Specify - Visual Product Features? Specify is an application that allows you to visually present the strengths and benefits of your products to your customers in a fast and efficient way. #What features does Specify offer? * Present up to 8 highlights of your product at a time. * Present highlights to the left, right, or around the image of your product. * Add custom images of your product to highlight it in the best possible way. * Choose from over 300 pictograms to effectively... more


  • Allows users to present up to 8 highlights of their product at a time
  • Flexible positioning of highlights – left, right, or around the product image
  • Ability to add custom images for effective product highlighting
  • Access to over 300 pictograms to visually convey product features


  • Limited to only 8 highlights; may not be sufficient for products with many features
  • The reliance on pictograms might not suit all product types, particularly those needing more detailed descriptions

Top Helpful Reviews


Mar 09, 2021  on Shopify

zero! This app is useless and does not display! on none of the pages have I tried everything! What a waste of time !

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