Find & use your product images in Canva.
Do you struggle with downloading & uploading your product photos to your Canva designs? We have an easy solution. With this app, you can easily access your store images in Canva. Find & Add your store images to your designs - all without leaving Canva. No more download, upload or switching between tabs. Give your marketing team access to the latest product images, without the email clutter.
Easy Sync : Products, Inventory, Orders. 24/7 Livechat support...
Access your product images and files directly inside Canva...
Sync with Square, WooCommerce & Clover in Realtime!
Import Canva landing page designs to your store with SEO
Create Photo Gallery, Video Gallery, Portfolio Gallery &...
Effortlessly Import Amazon Products to Your online Store!
Smart SEO Booster + Image Optimizer to boost your SEO scores...
YouTube video gallery, YouTube feed, embed video background...