Sales Velocity logo

Sales Velocity

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Compare sales from collections, tags, vendors, types, and more

    Visualize sales velocities
    Select date range
    Analyze trends
    Segment sales data
    Compare time frames
    Query comparisons

    About Sales Velocity

    Launched Apr 14, 2023


    Built by Immersive Ecommerce

    Email :

    [email protected]


    PO Box 803, Athens, GA, 30603, US

    Website Privacy policy
    Attribuly Analytics logo
    (311 Reviews)
    $2000-$299 / Month
    • Free Plan Available
    • Sponsored

    Allocate your marketing budget like an expert


    Visualize sales velocity metrics for your products and collections.

    Quickly visualize sales velocities on a graph. Select date range, analyze what's trending and what's going stale from a sales standpoint.

    Quickly visualize sales velocities on a graph. Select date range, analyze what's trending and what's going stale from a sales standpoint. more
    • Segment sales data from products, collections, tags, vendors, and product types
    • Compare sales velocity from a specific time frame or all time
    • Compare queries with each other (e.g. tagged "sale" vs. a Sale Collection)


    • Quickly visualize sales velocities on a graph
    • Ability to select date ranges for analysis
    • Helps identify trending and stale products from a sales standpoint
    • Allows segmentation of sales data from products, collections, tags, vendors, and product types
    • Facilitates comparison of sales velocity from specific time frames or all time
    • Supports comparison between different queries (eg, tagged 'sale' vs a Sale Collection)


    • Potential learning curve for users unfamiliar with data analysis tools
    • Limited functionality without integration with other business tools or platforms
    • May require frequent updates to maintain data accuracy
    • Graphs might become cluttered with large datasets, reducing clarity
    • No mention of support for multi-currency or multi-region sales analysis

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