Rozetka Marketplace logo

Rozetka Marketplace

Develop by CopyCon


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 14 Days Free Trial

    Product feed to Rozetka and Order upload from Rozetka

    Shipping integration
    Order import
    Product feed automation
    2 Reviews

    About Rozetka Marketplace

    Launched Jan 18, 2024


    Built by CopyCon

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Svobody Avenue, Kyiv, 04108, UA

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    Easy products feed to Rozetka marketplace (Ukraine) and manage Orders.

    The app lets you automate the creation of optimised product feeds for Rozetka.ua Marketplace. Also the app Imports Orders from Rozetka.ua to a Shopify store.

    The app lets you automate the creation of optimised product feeds for Rozetka.ua Marketplace. Also the app Imports Orders from Rozetka.ua to a Shopify store. more
    • Create a Product Feed for Rozetka.ua
    • Import and Manage Orders from Rozetka.ua
    • Nova Poshta Shipping integration


    • Automates the creation of optimized product feeds for Rozetkaua Marketplace
    • Imports orders from Rozetkaua to a Shopify store, streamlining the order management process
    • Includes Nova Poshta Shipping integration, providing a reliable shipping solution
    • Helps in managing orders effectively from Rozetkaua
    • Potentially saves time by automating repetitive tasks


    • Limited to users who sell on Rozetkaua and use Shopify
    • Potential integration issues or bugs may occur
    • No mention of customer support quality
    • Possibility of a steep learning curve for new users
    • App description lacks detailed information about all features and functionalities

    Rating And Reviews

    GemGlow Jewels

    Feb 06, 2024  on Shopify

    Чудовий додаток, за його допомогою легко і швидко створюю та управляю фідами товарів, з легкістю імпортую замовлення, це робить взаємодію з Розетка ефективною та безпроблемною)

    Tasty Crusty

    Jan 27, 2024  on Shopify

    За допомогою додатку зараз всі замовлення з Розетки автоматично додаются і не потрібно вручну додавати. За рахунок інтеграції з Новою Поштою навіть ТТН створюються автоматично.

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