Rocket Page Speed logo

Rocket Page Speed

Develop by SEO Blocks


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 3 Days Free Trial

    Give a rocket speed to your site

    Improve speed
    Enhance navigation
    Boost performance

    About Rocket Page Speed

    Launched Oct 15, 2019


    Built by SEO Blocks


    Optimize your page navigation and give more speed to your customers

    Speed is essential. Website load time statistics from numerous studies clearly show that if the average page load time exceeds 3 seconds, the abandonment rates soar. Nearly half of the users share negative experiences with their peers, spreading the word of heavy, unresponsive sites faster than said web pages load. Visitors will leave if a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, and almost 50% of consumers expect web pages to load in less than 2 seconds.

    Speed is essential. Website load time statistics from numerous studies clearly show that if the average page load time exceeds 3 seconds, the abandonment rates soar. Nearly half of the users share negative experiences with their peers, spreading the word of heavy, unresponsive sites faster than said web pages load. Visitors will leave if a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, and almost 50% of consumers expect web pages to load in less than 2 seconds. more
    • Improve visitors experience
    • Improve your products and pages navigation
    • Reach your marketing goals


    • Significantly improves website load times
    • Enhanced user experience leading to better retention
    • May lead to better search engine rankings due to faster page loads
    • Potential reduction in bounce rates
    • Improves navigation speed for products and pages
    • Helps in achieving marketing goals due to better performance metrics


    • Potential compatibility issues with some website themes
    • Might require technical knowledge for optimal setup
    • Could lead to errors if not configured correctly
    • May require ongoing updates to maintain performance

    Rating And Reviews


    Oct 05, 2020  on Shopify

    I uninstalled it since it completely messed up my site. I have emailed them to help me revert my theme back but no response.


    Apr 16, 2020  on Shopify

    This app was not suited to my store, however the customer service and help I received to revert the changes and get my store back and running was second to none. Unfortunately cannot review the app. but the help was valued.


    Dec 23, 2019  on Shopify

    I installed it a month ago, It looks pretty good, Very good support, Ready to help any time, Thank You,


    Dec 06, 2019  on Shopify

    I would give -5 but it is not possible,the app perform really bad some pages fast and some pages got destroyed contacted them to uninstall because there is no guide then they asked for a full accesses ,gave them only for the theme and app and then they stopped to response and chated I do not know what they did to me theme .


    Oct 17, 2019  on Shopify

    Work as described, difference in loading clearly noticeable. Doesn't ask unnecessary permission on the install. Friendly support.

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