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Rentinus logo


Develop by Rentinus


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30 Days Free Trial

Rental plugin by Rentinus

Rent single variants
Sell single variants
Rent multi variants
Sell multi variants
Rent only products

About Rentinus

Launched Jun 08, 2022


Built by Rentinus

ZB: WhatsApp & Messenger Chat logo
(109 Reviews)
  • Sponsored

Support your customers quickly using Facebook Live Chat.


Rent and sell your products with the same product card.

Rentinus app enables the functionality in your store to rent and sell products in the same products car. You can rent and sell single variants, and multi variants and use functions to rent only the product.

Rentinus app enables the functionality in your store to rent and sell products in the same products car. You can rent and sell single variants, and multi variants and use functions to rent only the product. more
  • You are able to rent or sell same product with single variant.
  • You are able to rent or sell same product with multiple variants.
  • You are able to rent only single or few variants from your product.


  • Enables functionality to rent and sell products in the same product cart
  • Supports single and multiple variants for renting and selling
  • Allows renting only specific variants of a product


  • Limited detailed information provided in the description
  • No user reviews or ratings provided for deeper insights on performance and user experience

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