Showing 40 to 60 of 40 Apps
  • $19.99-$49.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
50 Reviews

Upsell individual products à la carte, bundles & subscriptions

No coding required
Upsell product pages
Cart item replacement
Automated recommendations
Manual curation
Thank-you page offers


Related products
Upsell suggestions
Checkout customization
Thank you page
Coupon display
Sns integration
  • $9.99-$169.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 10 Days Free Trial
83 Reviews

Grow sales with an upsell popup that adds products to cart.

Boost order value
Customize popup
High conversion popup
Triggered on add to cart
Live preview setup

Let your customers explore related products with a sticky bar.

Customizable appearance
Theme editor integration
Sticky related products
Effortless product browsing
  • $5.99 / Month
  • 3 Days Free Trial
40 Reviews

Helps Managing Related or Cross Sell Products

Assign specific products
Randomize display
Intuitive management screen

Manage your product relations from a single user interface.

Single interface management
Displays related products
Enhances purchase likelihood
Detailed conversion tracking
Effortless installation
Seamless alignment
  • $19.95-$149.95 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

UPsell CE. makes shopping sprees from browsing easy and quick

Related products display
Easy upsell management
Customizable upsell block
  • $4.99-$24.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
29 Reviews

Easy to show your product slider anywhere with many conditions

Customizable settings
Add to cart button
Rtl support
Product sliders
Multi-location display

Force related products to be added to the cart

Auto-add products
Link products together
Non-removable products
Add text in cart
Fixed quantity addition

Display search data to make search functions more efficient.

Top searches
No results
Top clicked products
Search click conversion
Search volume comparison
Product search optimization
  • $4.99-$15.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
57 Reviews

Show product bundles, upsell bundle cross-sell to boost sales.

Frequently bought together
Cross-sell suggestions
Upsell opportunities
Custom bundles
Campaign creation
Show product bundles

Set Related Products Recommendations Manually to Aid Upsell

Enhanced product discoverability
Showcase reviews
Handpicked suggestions
Custom similar products
Toggle out of stock
Display vendor name

Related products

Recommended products widget
Peripheral products

Create product bundles in the easiest way.

Quick bundle creation
Custom bundle pricing
Mix and match products
Checkout bundle expansion
Discount codes allowed
  • $3.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Upsell products using related products feature

Easy customization
Related products
Multiple layouts
  • $99-$299 / Month
  • 30 Days Free Trial


Product recommendations
Easy editing
Trend analysis
Customer behavior observation
Customer preferences
Quick start

Frequent Bundles and Addons

Customize bundles
Pair products easily
Smooth add-ons
One-click transactions
Effortless upsell
  • $7.9-$14.9 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
10 Reviews

Easy to create and manage related products on product pages

Manual product selection
Show related products
Product combination rules
Custom display interface
  • $5.9 / Month
  • 3 Days Free Trial
5 Reviews

Beautiful Product Recommendations & Frequently Bought Together

Related products
Aesthetic display
Custom recommendations
  • $5 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
2 Reviews

Increase the number of orders & revenue from the same customer

Display related products
Customised offers
Upsell products checkout
Appearance settings