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Customer reviews: Workflow Automation—React Flow

Develop by DevIT.Software

Reviews (206)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

"Workflow Automation—React Flow" is highly regarded by merchants for its exceptional ability to facilitate complex workflow automations that surpass Shopify's native Flow app. The user-friendly interface and the outstanding support team significantly enhance the user experience, making it a valuable tool for optimizing Shopify stores' operations.

Key Strengths

  • Robust and flexible workflow automation, enabling complex tasks.
  • Highly intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Exceptional customer service and technical support, praised for responsiveness and expertise.
  • Advanced features like custom Liquid code support, surpassing other flow apps.
  • Significant time savings and streamlined operations through automation.

Common Concerns

  • Inability to change the trigger of an established workflow without recreating it.
  • Desire for a more robust online HTML editor for creating email actions.

Final Thoughts

Overall, "Workflow Automation—React Flow" receives glowing reviews for its potent automation capabilities and exceptional support team. It is a recommended tool for any Shopify merchant looking to streamline operations and enhance productivity through advanced workflow automations.


Dec 10, 2023  on Shopify

Extends the functionality of Shopify's workflow automation with more advanced features. Customer support is top-notch

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