IC ‑ Frequently Buy Together logo

IC ‑ Frequently Buy Together

Develop by ITcoders


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available 30 Days Free Trial

    Frequently Bought Together to boost sales & Related Products

    Recommend relevant products
    Automatic discount types
    Product selection options
    Show product ratings
    11 Reviews

    About IC ‑ Frequently Buy Together

    Launched Mar 13, 2020


    Built by ITcoders


    Shop smarter! Frequently Bought Together shows perfect combos for a complete purchase

    Frequently bought together lets you recommend relevant products customers might buy with the selected item, boosting sales and offering deals for a better experience. Frequently bought together suggests relevant products customers might add to their purchase, increasing sales and enhancing their shopping experience with deals. Related products recommend similar items on product and other pages (like homepage) for easy browsing.

    Frequently bought together lets you recommend relevant products customers might buy with the selected item, boosting sales and offering deals for a better experience. Frequently bought together suggests relevant products customers might add to their purchase, increasing sales and enhancing their shopping experience with deals. Related products recommend similar items on product and other pages (like homepage) for easy browsing. more
    • User friendly Manually Product selector,Query Builder & automatic algorithm
    • Four types of Automatic Discount(Percentage, Fixed amount, Cheapest item for FBT
    • Exclude Products & Hide FBT in Product pages & many advance customization
    • Fully customization & 24 hour support
    • Show ratings from the most popular review apps

    Rating And Reviews


    Aug 13, 2024  on Shopify

    I’m thrilled with the quality of the products from Frequently Brought Together App. Everything works perfectly together. Plus, their customer support is top-notch—quick and super helpful. Highly recommend!

    Lois Hill Jewelry

    May 07, 2024  on Shopify

    good apps, and very helpfull

    Un Lieu de Lumière - cours à distance en ligne de soins énergétiques

    Jan 28, 2024  on Shopify

    Nice app which integrates well into the theme without messing the code. Needed some support and got it quite fast. Just not sure about the weight of random and AI in the app.


    Sep 15, 2023  on Shopify

    A good app and the support team are always willing to help with the configuration. Highly recommended.


    Oct 29, 2021  on Shopify

    It's very easy to use, and the customer service is very prompt, superb! The discount function can be done better, and I hope it can be used at the same time as the discount on the website in the future.

    Rejuva Fresh

    Oct 06, 2021  on Shopify

    Very happy with this application because it has successfully encouraged visitors to buy more than one product, thus increasing the average order for my store. Not only one time, but many times. So it realIy does work. Before trying Frequently Bought Together Pro, I tried other similar applications, and for me this one was the easiest to use and also it looks the best on my store’s product pages. So I uninstalled the others and I am using this one. I also found that customer support replied and solved my issues remarkably quickly. I recommend it!

    Rivo Studio

    Jul 16, 2021  on Shopify

    The best app I have used for the FBT feature. Easy to customize and place on any page. This is the only app I found that can place FBT on the home page. Their support is amazing. They resolved all my queries and requests. Highly recommended.

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