Proven.Social logo


Develop by Proven.Social


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30 Days Free Trial

Use customers to get more customers!

Social proof
Purchase notification
Customer influence

About Proven.Social

Launched Feb 28, 2020


Built by Proven.Social


# What does social proof do for you? When customers to your site buy something, we show a notification to any other customers on the site to let them know that the purchase just happened. Leveraging social proof techniques on your site allows you to grow your customer base using the existing customer base itself. The same is true for sales; with subtle cues to site visitors, you can sway buying behavior by leveraging your existing customers directly. # Why use Proven Social? Easy...

# What does social proof do for you? When customers to your site buy something, we show a notification to any other customers on the site to let them know that the purchase just happened. Leveraging social proof techniques on your site allows you to grow your customer base using the existing customer base itself. The same is true for sales; with subtle cues to site visitors, you can sway buying behavior by leveraging your existing customers directly. # Why use Proven Social? Easy... more


  • Enhances social proof by showing purchase notifications to potential customers
  • Helps grow customer base using existing customers
  • Can subtly influence buying behavior of site visitors


  • Limited description of features in the app description
  • Lack of detailed user feedback and ratings data

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