Mentis Product Grouping logo

Mentis Product Grouping


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Group products to track, manage, and sell similar products

Create product groups
Display grouped products
Custom product icons
Track click performance
Track purchase performance

About Mentis Product Grouping

Launched Sep 24, 2023


Built by Mentis Collective

Email :

[email protected]


2933 W Germantown Pike, Unit 201, Norristown, PA, 19409, US

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Z Promote & Convert Popup logo
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Introduction Video


Group products together to display unlimited variant options on the product page.

Group separate product listings together by characteristics like design or color, and display these listings on each product page. If your business sells apparel and features the same design on multiple clothing types, this app allows you to tie all of those listings together, making each product listing easily accessible from the product page. After grouped together, the different product options will appear as clickable icons above the add to cart button on the product page.

Group separate product listings together by characteristics like design or color, and display these listings on each product page. If your business sells apparel and features the same design on multiple clothing types, this app allows you to tie all of those listings together, making each product listing easily accessible from the product page. After grouped together, the different product options will appear as clickable icons above the add to cart button on the product page. more
  • Create product groups that tie product listings together
  • Display grouped products on each product page
  • Create your own product tile icons by uploading an image.
  • Track clicks made on your product groupings and measure their performance
  • Track purchases made on product listings after a user clicks through a tile


  • Allows grouping of products by characteristics like design or color
  • Improves accessibility by displaying grouped products as clickable icons on product pages
  • Helps customers easily find related products, potentially increasing sales
  • Provides the ability to create custom product tile icons by uploading images
  • Enables tracking of clicks on product groupings and measures their performance
  • Allows tracking of purchases made after users click through a tile, aiding in performance analytics


  • Implementation may require time and effort to set up product groups and design custom icons
  • Click and purchase tracking may add additional data management tasks for the business
  • Potential for user interface clutter if not designed thoughtfully, possibly affecting user experience
  • May need regular updates or maintenance to keep product listings and groupings current

Top Helpful Reviews

Custom Mary

Nov 13, 2023  on Shopify

I searched for something like this for months and could not find anything like it. For sellers that offer designs on multiple products this is a MUST HAVE as it allow you to show all of the products that your designs are available on to customers on any product page. A major opportunity to cater to buyers tastes if they don't land on the specific item they are looking for. Every POD (print on demand) seller should implement something like this as an opportunity to better serve customers and as an upsell tool to have them purchase items on multiple products. The interface is super intuitive and efficient. Product support is awesome as well.

215 Threads

Oct 27, 2023  on Shopify

Fantastic app, allows you to group similar products without creating different variants, something Shopify alone doesn't allow you to do. I sell apparel and am able to group all different types of garments (tees, hoodies, long sleeves etc.) with the same design together. Works exactly as advertised, definitely recommend.

Jessica Deen Norris

Oct 08, 2023  on Shopify

Exactly what I was looking for - creating "variants" on my product page without actually using variants! I sell books and wanted to show the formats (paperback, ebook, hardcover) while still keeping separate product pages for each format. This app allows customers to easily and quickly switch between formats without using variants. You can even upload your own images. Thank you!!

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