PrismaCart Reviews logo

PrismaCart Reviews

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/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available

    Product reviews, photo Reviews with Aliexpress review importer

    Customizable design
    Photo reviews
    Import reviews
    Single-click import

    About PrismaCart Reviews

    Launched Jul 27, 2021


    Built by


    PrismaCart Reviews is an easy to use review management app that enables shops to import and collect reviews from AliExpress. ## Customizable reviews Import reviews from the AliExpress with option to select the most suitable photos. The app allows you to customize colours and style of the review boxes on your shop's product site. ## Easy to use PrismaCart Reviews allows shop owners to import AliExpress reviews with a single click. No browser extension required. Imports will run in the...

    PrismaCart Reviews is an easy to use review management app that enables shops to import and collect reviews from AliExpress. ## Customizable reviews Import reviews from the AliExpress with option to select the most suitable photos. The app allows you to customize colours and style of the review boxes on your shop's product site. ## Easy to use PrismaCart Reviews allows shop owners to import AliExpress reviews with a single click. No browser extension required. Imports will run in the... more

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