Your Custom Preloader: Boost Branding, SEO & Lower Bounce Rate
Custom Preloader for your store! Show your users a beautiful loading screen and guide them through your shop with smooth transitions. Choose loaders from presets, or upload your own image or logo and adjust the loading animation with many options. You can even enable the preloader on selected templates and disable the preloader on tablet/mobile devices! Does it slow down my store? Not at all! Pre loadify optimizes images and videos so it has minimal impact on your shop speed.
Display Pre-Orders, Coming Soon & Notify Me Products
Instantly load your pages, increase conversion rates &...
Maximize Sales with Upsells, Discounts, Timers & Page...
Make your pages feel like they load (almost) instantly
Import AliExpress, DSers, Amazon reviews & boost social...
Generate Unique SEO Optimized AI Blog Posts in Minutes
Gather & display reviews (product reviews, store reviews,...
From zero SEO to hero SEO: Boost your SEO, Traffic &...