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Posthero Physical Mailing

Free App

Send personalised letters. Track it like an email.

Automated campaigns
Real-time tracking
Personalised letters
Easy campaign setup
Environmental offset

About Posthero Physical Mailing

Launched Jun 25, 2024


Built by Posthero Physical Mailing


Unlock a new retention channel that is immune to spam filters and iOS updates. Physical mail is achieving amazing results, and Posthero makes it EASY and CONVENIENT to set up a campaign. We take care of everything: from printing to enveloping, shipping, and tracking of each campaign; all tracked on our real-time dashboard. Run a loyalty campaign, abandoned cart, show a new launch, or whatever you want. Try it without risk.

Unlock a new retention channel that is immune to spam filters and iOS updates. Physical mail is achieving amazing results, and Posthero makes it EASY and CONVENIENT to set up a campaign. We take care of everything: from printing to enveloping, shipping, and tracking of each campaign; all tracked on our real-time dashboard. Run a loyalty campaign, abandoned cart, show a new launch, or whatever you want. Try it without risk. more
  • Like Klaviyo but for physical mail. One-off or automated campaigns
  • Getting started is a piece of cake. We advise you on design and materials
  • Track the results and ROAS of each campaign instantly on your dashboard
  • Offset your environmental impact with our compensation initiatives and partners
  • No contracts or commitments


  • Immune to spam filters and iOS updates
  • Convenient and easy to set up campaigns
  • Comprehensive service includes printing, enveloping, shipping, and tracking
  • Real-time dashboard for tracking and analyzing campaign results
  • Versatile use cases: loyalty campaigns, abandoned cart recovery, product launches
  • Risk-free trial available
  • One-off or automated campaigns
  • Support on design and materials
  • Option to offset environmental impact with compensation initiatives
  • No contracts or commitments


  • Potential higher cost compared to digital marketing
  • Longer delivery time compared to instant digital communication
  • Dependence on physical addresses which may limit reach
  • Environmental concerns despite offset initiatives
  • Complexity in targeting specific demographics compared to digital campaigns

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