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Order Helper Revenue Booster logo

Order Helper Revenue Booster

Develop by Shopify
Free App

FREE! Create Unlimited Flexible Post-Purchase Up Sell Offers!

One-click purchase
Unlimited post-purchase offers
Sales-optimized design
Instant order addition
Offer optimization
The app is no longer available

About Order Helper Revenue Booster

Built by Shopify

BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
(1,907 Reviews)
$25-$349 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • Verified
  • Sponsored

Loyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...


Increase average order value (AOV) and sales with the FREE Order Helper app.

# About Order Helper ## Increase average order value (AOV) and sales with the FREE Order Helper app. * Create unlimited post-purchase offers directly in your checkout experience! * Our unique one-click feature makes it super simple for customers to buy. * Customers don't need to refill their checkout information - the item is added to their order instantly! * Our high-converting, sales-optimized widget design creates a frictionless experience. Create and then optimize your offers and discounts.

# About Order Helper ## Increase average order value (AOV) and sales with the FREE Order Helper app. * Create unlimited post-purchase offers directly in your checkout experience! * Our unique one-click feature makes it super simple for customers to buy. * Customers don't need to refill their checkout information - the item is added to their order instantly! * Our high-converting, sales-optimized widget design creates a frictionless experience. Create and then optimize your offers and discounts. more


  • Free to use with no cost involved
  • Allows creation of unlimited post-purchase offers
  • One-click feature simplifies the purchase process for customers
  • No need for customers to refill their checkout information
  • High-converting, sales-optimized widget design
  • Frictionless experience for creating and optimizing offers and discounts
  • Provides detailed analytics for optimization


  • The app's description is somewhat repetitive and could be more detailed
  • May require some initial setup and learning curve to use effectively
  • Limited information on customer support and technical assistance availability
  • Dependent on app compatibility with existing checkout systems

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