Pinpointed logo


Develop by Adlogics


/ Month
14 Days Free Trial

Optimize Google Ads bidding towards revenue you'll keep.

Insightful dashboard
Excludes refunded orders
Automated api adjustments
Real-time conversion retraction
Order id tracking
1 Reviews

About Pinpointed

Launched May 21, 2023


Built by Adlogics

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Understand the true value of your Google Ads spend by adjusting conversions from refunded orders.

Facing distorted ROI in Google Ads due to refunds? Pinpointed offers a solution by fine-tuning Google Ads conversion adjustments. Our tool excludes refunded orders, revealing your ad spend's real effectiveness. This leads to more informed strategies, optimizing your campaigns for genuine orders. Automated daily API calls remove conversions from orders returned to you for a refund, providing an accurate ROI from your ad spend and training the Google bidding algorithms for better conversions.

Facing distorted ROI in Google Ads due to refunds? Pinpointed offers a solution by fine-tuning Google Ads conversion adjustments. Our tool excludes refunded orders, revealing your ad spend's real effectiveness. This leads to more informed strategies, optimizing your campaigns for genuine orders. Automated daily API calls remove conversions from orders returned to you for a refund, providing an accurate ROI from your ad spend and training the Google bidding algorithms for better conversions. more
  • Adjust Google Ads ROI by excluding refunds for true conversion accuracy.
  • Real-time Google Ads API conversion retraction and restatement for clarity.
  • Dashboard for insights on Google Ads refunds and conversions.
  • Advanced Order ID tracking for in-depth Google Ads insights.
  • Live chat and onboarding support.


  • Accurately adjusts Google Ads ROI by excluding refunds, leading to more genuine insights
  • Automated daily API calls ensure up-to-date conversion adjustments without manual intervention
  • Real-time retraction and restatement of conversions provide clear and immediate insight into ad performance
  • The dashboard offers comprehensive insights into refunds and conversions, helping in-depth analysis
  • Advanced Order ID tracking gives deeper insights into individual Google Ads performance
  • Live chat and onboarding support enhances customer experience and provides immediate assistance


  • Reliance on accurate refund data; any inaccuracies in refunded orders could affect reports
  • Dashboard may present a learning curve, particularly for users not familiar with detailed analytics
  • Automated adjustments require consistent API functionality, which could be impacted by external factors

Top Helpful Reviews

William Powell

Sep 22, 2023  on Shopify

I have been utilizing the services of Pinpointed for sometime now and I must say, it is a quintessential tool for anyone aiming to optimize their ad spend and enhance the quality of data-driven decisions. In the digital marketing landscape, where accuracy and efficiency are paramount, Pinpointed has emerged as a beacon of reliability and solves our needs exactly, ensuring that I am equipped with the most accurate reflection of my ROI. This has been a game-changer, allowing me to fine-tune my advertising strategies and allocate resources more effectively.

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