Payment Master logo

Payment Master


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    Enables hiding payment methods based on conditions

    Hide payment methods
    Conditional payment hiding
    Apply payment surcharges

    About Payment Master

    Launched Dec 11, 2023


    Built by トラストリング株式会社

    Email :

    [email protected]


    東中浜三丁目15番10号, 大阪市城東区, JP-27, 5360023, JP

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy


    Hide payment methods by Products, Collections, Shopping Cart, Customers. Apply a payment surcharge.

    Easily hide payment methods at checkout. Conditionally hide payment methods by products , collections and customers. Furthermore, merchants have the flexibility to apply additional fees, acting as surcharges, to the selected payment methods.

    Easily hide payment methods at checkout. Conditionally hide payment methods by products , collections and customers. Furthermore, merchants have the flexibility to apply additional fees, acting as surcharges, to the selected payment methods. more
    • Hide payment methods by Products, Collections and Shopping Cart.
    • Flexibility to apply additional fees as surcharge of payment.
    • Hide payment methods by customers.


    • Allows conditional hiding of payment methods by products, collections, and customers
    • Flexibility to apply additional fees as surcharges to payment methods
    • Improves checkout experience by customizing available payment options
    • Provides merchants with greater control over payment methods
    • Can potentially increase revenue through surcharges


    • Complex setup for merchants with a large variety of products and conditions
    • May require ongoing adjustments to maintain optimal payment method conditions
    • Surcharges might deter some customers from completing their purchase
    • Limited information provided on compatibility with various e-commerce platforms
    • No clear information about customer support availability

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