Offer easy donation & make an offer with better price bargain
Plot 349, Street 1, I-9/3, Islamabad, 46000, PK
Website Support Portal Privacy policyA fixed price may result in higher cart abandonment. Your customers may stop & rethink their purchase decision on Price. With the Pay What You Want app, you can set them free to pay for a product an amount that seems to be justified and affordable. It helps you increase sales by offering dynamic pricing with respect to each consumer's willingness to pay. Compatible with All Free and premium themes. Let’s contribute to society for a loyalty program & better future by making easy donations
Sell subscriptions and offer recurring payments to customers...
Charge a fee for Cash on Delivery orders & customize...
Add COD fee, limit and link Cash on Delivery at checkout
Create Mandatory / Opt Fees, Deposit & Surcharge + Many...
Ultimate app to manage custom options & price calculators...
Set volume discount quantity discount & discount pricing...
Boost sales with volume-based discounts generator &...
Display or hide your store's content by creating simple...