Redirect with popup based on geo locaton & auto redirects
Simple and reliable popups to promote sales and capture...
Geolocation Redirects is an SEO-friendly country redirect app that uses Shopify's GEO location service to increase website conversion rates. Our customizable widgets include popups, top bars, and sticky blocks redirect. Automatic redirection is based on Shopify's liquid metafields for fast, seamless transitions and redirect (*client-side). Auto-redirects are disabled for web crawlers like Google bot to avoid negative SEO impact. **DEV mode can be activated by request on Dev/Partner stores
Create cookie banner for GDPR compliance, CCPA privacy policy...
Sales Popup Trust Badges, Social Proof Free Shipping Bar...
Geolocation Currency Switcher & Checkout Currency Conversion!...
Increase sales with pop ups, personalization, and segmentation...