Rax: Music Player logo

Rax: Music Player

Develop by Yew


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7 Days Free Trial

Create an infinite playlist

Unlimited playlists
Unlimited songs
Custom playlist covers
Custom song covers
Rearrange playback

About Rax: Music Player

Launched May 20, 2024


Built by Yew

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Create infinite playlists to play music

We don't limit the number of playlists you can create or the number of songs you can upload (we save your uploaded files to the store's own file management center). You can also customize playlist covers and song covers, as well as drag and drop to rearrange the playback order of songs.

We don't limit the number of playlists you can create or the number of songs you can upload (we save your uploaded files to the store's own file management center). You can also customize playlist covers and song covers, as well as drag and drop to rearrange the playback order of songs. more
  • Unlimited number of playlist
  • Customize song cover
  • Customize player style
  • Drag and drop to rearrange the song playback order


  • Unlimited number of playlists: The app allows users to create and manage an infinite number of playlists without any restrictions
  • Unlimited song uploads: Users can upload as many songs as they want, with files saved in the store's own file management center
  • Customization options: Users can customize playlist covers and song covers according to their preferences
  • Drag and drop feature: The drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy to rearrange the playback order of songs
  • Customize player style: Users have the ability to personalize the look and feel of their music player


  • Potential storage issues: Unlimited song uploads might lead to storage constraints on the user's device, especially if not managed properly
  • Redundancy in description: The description repeats the same features multiple times, which may confuse potential users
  • Limited information on additional features: The description does not provide details on other potential features such as audio quality, compatibility with different file formats, or any social sharing options

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