EZ Modal Popup logo

EZ Modal Popup

Develop by Programmer Hat
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Easily create and add custom popup to promote your best offers

    Seamless integration
    Enhance experience
    Custom html popups
    Promote offers
    No programming required
    Add own code

    About EZ Modal Popup

    Launched Mar 20, 2023


    Built by Programmer Hat

    Email :

    [email protected]


    7520 Hornwood Dr, 1305, Houston, TX, 77036, US

    Website Privacy policy Tutorial FAQ Document


    Easily add a custom HTML popup. Promote significant events and offer discounts.

    Modal Popup is designed to allow store owners to create and customize custom HTML popups on their website. With Modal Popup, you can easily create and display custom popups to promote special offers, or provide important information to your customers. Once installed, the app integrates seamlessly with your store, allowing you to create new popups with ease. With this app, you can easily create and deploy custom popups that drive sales, and enhance your customer experience.

    Modal Popup is designed to allow store owners to create and customize custom HTML popups on their website. With Modal Popup, you can easily create and display custom popups to promote special offers, or provide important information to your customers. Once installed, the app integrates seamlessly with your store, allowing you to create new popups with ease. With this app, you can easily create and deploy custom popups that drive sales, and enhance your customer experience. more
    • First-class support. I usually respond in 1-2 hours, or 24 hours at the latest.
    • No programming knowledge or experience required!
    • Can add your own HTML, Javascript, or CSS code!
    • Easily add a custom modal or modal popup on your website.

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