Mockupify | POD Automation logo

Mockupify | POD Automation

Develop by mockupify


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  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    Bulk create and automate your print on demand mockups

    Bulk create mockups
    Merge designs automatically
    Export to shopify
    5 Reviews

    About Mockupify | POD Automation

    Launched Jun 01, 2020


    Built by mockupify

    Email :

    [email protected]


    K. Ulvydo g. 11-514, Vilnius, 08234, LT

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    Mockupify automatically merges graphic designs with product print on demand mockups and exports them

    # How it works 1. Upload your print-on-demand design graphics 2. Create your print-on-demand products (t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, etc) 3. Mockupify automatically merges products with design graphics and exports them to your Shopify store # Use cases - Add a new product to your existing inventory (once you have graphics ready) in less than 5 minutes. You can finally add these products you've been thinking about. - Automate your mockup creation process and spend more time on sales!

    # How it works 1. Upload your print-on-demand design graphics 2. Create your print-on-demand products (t-shirts, coffee mugs, phone cases, etc) 3. Mockupify automatically merges products with design graphics and exports them to your Shopify store # Use cases - Add a new product to your existing inventory (once you have graphics ready) in less than 5 minutes. You can finally add these products you've been thinking about. - Automate your mockup creation process and spend more time on sales! more
    • Automate you mockups. Automatically merge graphic designs and your pod mockups.
    • Automatically export created products to Shopify.
    • Fully customisable. Your designs, your mockups, your Shopify store.

    Rating And Reviews

    Biome Secret

    May 06, 2024  on Shopify

    Great app, Marijus was able to walk me through and add aditional features for my mockup needs. He also provided templates and automated my e-commerce stores on other platforms.

    Get Animized

    Dec 28, 2020  on Shopify

    Mockupify app is a great tool that allowed us to automatically merge product mockups with design images. The support was exceptional.


    Aug 28, 2020  on Shopify

    Great app for automating product images and creating bulk products on Shopify. With this app, no more Photoshop scripts and bulk create plugins needed.

    Make It Print

    Jul 27, 2020  on Shopify

    Really good app. It will save you a lot of time by generating the products and the mock-up images really fast, it will automatic assign the mock-up images to the correct variations in Shopify. It is highly configurable for your needs and very simple to use. Support is also 10/10. Thank you!

    Graphic Gear

    Jul 05, 2020  on Shopify

    Awesome app, I highly recommend this app to anyone that needs to generate mockups for their products. It has all the essential features to create products fast with just a few clicks. The support is also very very good.

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