Meetanshi WhatsApp Share logo

Meetanshi WhatsApp Share

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Share via WhatsApp button to let customers share the product.

    Customizable message
    Product sharing button
    Easy whatsapp sharing
    Increase direct traffic
    1 Reviews

    About Meetanshi WhatsApp Share

    Launched Aug 09, 2023


    Built by Meetanshi Technologies LLP

    Email :

    [email protected]


    305-307, Victoria Prime, Near Water Tank, Kaliyabid, Bhavnagar, GJ, 364002, IN

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy Document


    Add WhatsApp Share buttons to product pages. Inspire customers to share products via WhatsApp.

    WhatsApp Share Button app helps you leverage the power of most-popular messaging platforms. The app adds a WhatsApp Share button on the product pages. On clicking the button, the customers can share the product URL with their friends & family on WhatsApp along with a pre-written message. You also have complete control over the custom default message and details to include, such as product name and description. The WhatsApp share app makes product sharing easier for customers!

    WhatsApp Share Button app helps you leverage the power of most-popular messaging platforms. The app adds a WhatsApp Share button on the product pages. On clicking the button, the customers can share the product URL with their friends & family on WhatsApp along with a pre-written message. You also have complete control over the custom default message and details to include, such as product name and description. The WhatsApp share app makes product sharing easier for customers! more
    • Provide a quick WhatsApp sharing functionality to the customers.
    • Customize the default text & choose to include various details in the message.
    • Enhance direct traffic to your store through WhatsApp shares.


    • Integrates seamlessly with product pages to enable easy sharing
    • Allows customers to quickly share product URLs with friends and family on WhatsApp
    • Fully customizable default messages with options to include product name and description
    • Can enhance direct traffic to the store through WhatsApp shares
    • Simple one-click functionality aids user convenience
    • Leverages the widespread use of WhatsApp to promote products


    • Limited to WhatsApp, does not support other messaging platforms
    • Pre-written messages might feel less personal to recipients
    • May require manual customization for each product to ensure messages are relevant

    Rating And Reviews

    God of Camisas

    Apr 29, 2024  on Shopify

    É um bom app, mas falta melhorar bastante. Não tem opção para mudar a posição do botão, e não tem opção de alterar o idioma.

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