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MAZINGXR ‑ from 2D to 3D to AR logo

MAZINGXR ‑ from 2D to 3D to AR

Develop by Mazing GmbH


/ Month
7 Days Free Trial

Take your product presentation to a new dimension with AR.

Product configurator
3d/ar integration
360° product view
3d model optimization
Interactive real-time ar
Conversion analytics
5 Reviews

About MAZINGXR ‑ from 2D to 3D to AR

Launched Feb 27, 2023


Built by Mazing GmbH

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Introduction Video


Elevate your products and let your customers shop like never before with 360° and augmented reality.

This easy-to-use plugin helps you can incorporate Product Configurations in 3D/AR technology. Whether you're just starting out and need help upgrading your product images to 3D 360° view, have existing 3D models that need optimization for AR, or are already experienced with 3D and AR, we help on every step of the way, personally. Boost your sales and stand out from the competition by using a dynamic 3D Configurator and AR product visuals across all your sales and marketing channels.

This easy-to-use plugin helps you can incorporate Product Configurations in 3D/AR technology. Whether you're just starting out and need help upgrading your product images to 3D 360° view, have existing 3D models that need optimization for AR, or are already experienced with 3D and AR, we help on every step of the way, personally. Boost your sales and stand out from the competition by using a dynamic 3D Configurator and AR product visuals across all your sales and marketing channels. more
  • Personal support on your 2D to 3D to augmented reality product transformation.
  • One platform for all your products, edit, modify and tune your product visuals.
  • 3D / 360° product configurator: Build your own version of your product.
  • Interactive 3D and augmented reality experience of your products in real-time.
  • Measure the conversion of your Product Detail Page with Analytics


  • Easy-to-use plugin for incorporating 3D/AR technology
  • Helps with upgrading product images to 3D 360° view
  • Supports optimization of existing 3D models for AR
  • Assists users at any experience level with 3D and AR
  • Enhances sales and marketing channels with 3D and AR visuals
  • Personal support for 2D to 3D to AR transformations
  • Unified platform to edit, modify, and tune product visuals
  • Includes a 3D / 360° product configurator
  • Enables interactive 3D and AR product experiences in real-time
  • Measures conversion of Product Detail Page with analytics
  • Positive impact on conversion rates and customer interaction


  • Requires time and effort to integrate seamlessly with existing themes
  • Effectiveness may vary based on other changes made to product pages

Top Helpful Reviews

Care Concept Onlineshop

Jun 06, 2024  on Shopify

Mit der Einführung der 3D und Augmented Reality Funktionen der Mazing App hat das Online-Shopping für unsere B2B Kund/innen eine neue Dimension erreicht. Die intuitive Benutzeroberfläche und die nahtlose Integration von 3D- und Augmented Reality-Technologien ermöglichen es unseren Kund/innen, Produkte in einer Weise zu erleben, die bisher nur in physischen Geschäften möglich war. Die App ist äußerst benutzerfreundlich, mit einer klaren Navigation und schnellen Ladezeiten. Die 3D-Ansichten der Produkte sind detailliert und bieten eine 360-Grad-Ansicht, die es ermöglicht, jedes Produkt aus jedem Winkel zu betrachten. Die AR-Funktion hebt das Erlebnis auf ein neues Level, indem sie unseren Kund/innen erlaubt, Produkte virtuell in ihrer eigenen Umgebung zu platzieren. Das ergibt viele tolle, neue Möglichkeiten im Vertrieb komplexer Produkte. Der Kontakt mit den Gründern und der Support des Mazing Teams waren absolut professionell und super schnell. Auf unsere Bedürfnisse wurde sehr detailliert eingegangen und wir haben herausragend gute Hilfestellungen erhalten, insbesondere auch bei der Erstellung von 3D-Modellen und der Integration. Alles in allem ist die Mazing App ein Game-Changer für den Online-Handel. Sie bietet ein unvergleichliches Einkaufserlebnis, das nicht nur praktisch, sondern auch unterhaltsam ist. Wir können die App absolut empfehlen!

Percept Helsinki

May 03, 2024  on Shopify

We recently added the MAZING 3D/AR app to our Shopify store, and it's been fantastic. The CSS customizability helped us get it integrated seamlessly with our theme, maintaining the visual flow of our site. Since installing, although it isn't the only change we've made to our product pages, we've noticed a positive impact on our conversion rates, making it a worthwile addition. Most importantly, we're happy to be able to offer our customers the ability to interact with the product in 3D, as well as AR to let them visualize our products in their own space before buying.

Modus Furniture

Feb 06, 2024  on Shopify

A great company to work with. The service that is provided is top notch. The support from Mazing AR is hands down the best. They go above and beyond to create great 3D models. They listen to your needs and will help you throughout the process giving you the best service and quality.


Jun 26, 2023  on Shopify

The best augmented reality tool for Shopify. I have tried different 3D/AR Viewers but Mazing turned out to be the most user friendly and reliable solution. I have never had any down time and their integration support was great. As a German company, it was also crucial for me to know that my 3D models are "save" - Mazing can be trusted. Overall, a perfect solution to display artworks in 3D and on my clients wall before purchasing.


May 01, 2023  on Shopify

Support is hands down the best in the industry. From explaining the product to helping install the plugin correctly, the team did not let down. Such a polished product, very user friendly and easy to use. It integrates very well with other tools you use. Support answered all my questions promptly while also providing clear and helpful instructions. The product's interface is laid out flawlessly and easy to navigate. One of the features that i like is that it provides both "3D view" and "AR view". These are things that are particularly helpful when shopping. The installation process itself took less than 5 mins and was easy to understand. Cant wait to see what unique features or tools MAZING AR comes with next. This product alone stands out from the competition.

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