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Customer reviews: Magic | Dropship Organic Soaps

Reviews (47)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Overall, merchants express positive experiences with "Magic | Dropship Organic Soaps." Many find it easy to use, appreciating the seamless setup and wide selection of products. However, there are some issues with customer support and communication that have been noted by a few users.

Key Strengths

  • Easy to use with a self-explanatory interface
  • Wide selection of organic soap products
  • Quality products with positive user feedback
  • Seamless setup and integration process
  • Brand customization options available

Common Concerns

  • Unresponsive customer support reported by some users
  • Need for a more informative home page

Final Thoughts

The "Magic | Dropship Organic Soaps" app is generally well-received, valued for its ease of use and extensive product offerings. While most merchants enjoy the experience and find it beneficial for business, addressing customer support and information availability could enhance user satisfaction further.


Oct 28, 2024  on Shopify

I had issues with their product as soon as I added it to my cart on my store. I reached out to their support multiple times and even requested a refund, but no one responded. Honestly, it feels no different than a scam.

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