Magic Size Chart logo

Magic Size Chart


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 90 Days Free Trial

    Interactive size chart guide with accurate size recommendation

    User-friendly interface
    Interactive size charts
    Accurate size recommendations
    Simple setup process
    Quick chart updates
    Customizable chart categories
    Unlimited product charts
    1 Reviews

    About Magic Size Chart

    Launched Apr 06, 2021


    Built by Smart Ecom Tech

    Email :

    [email protected]


    7391 Pacific Circle, Mississauga, ON, L5T 2A4, CA

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    Magic Size Chart provides the key feature needed for products with product sizes.

    Magic Size Chart provides the key feature needed for products with product sizes. Our app converts all different sizes into straightforward and easily understandable charts that will guide the customers to find their right size. Simple and easy to use, you can set up our app by simple clicks. Any creation, update, or removal of product size charts can also be created quickly in our app.

    Magic Size Chart provides the key feature needed for products with product sizes. Our app converts all different sizes into straightforward and easily understandable charts that will guide the customers to find their right size. Simple and easy to use, you can set up our app by simple clicks. Any creation, update, or removal of product size charts can also be created quickly in our app. more
    • Freely customize your store’s chart categories to be a size guide, image, or tab
    • Create a size chart for unlimited products so shoppers can order more accurately
    • Easily maneuver through the UI layout and have your users get the recommended si


    • Interactive size chart guide with accurate size recommendation
    • Converts all different sizes into straightforward and easily understandable charts
    • Simple and easy setup with just a few clicks
    • Allows for quick creation, update, or removal of product size charts
    • Freely customizable chart categories to be a size guide, image, or tab
    • Supports the creation of size charts for unlimited products
    • User-friendly UI layout


    Rating And Reviews

    Touche Sport | Argentina

    Jun 28, 2021  on Shopify

    had some issues with the app and the solved it, waiting for new features to come out to give my customers a better use thank you

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