Magic Currency Converter logo

Magic Currency Converter


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 90 Days Free Trial

    Unlimited store currency conversion

    Reduces cart abandonment
    Quick conversion
    Hundreds of currencies

    About Magic Currency Converter

    Launched Feb 04, 2021


    Built by Smart Ecom Tech

    Email :

    [email protected]


    7391 Pacific Circle, Mississauga, ON, L5T 2A4, CA

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    Make Shopping Easier with Our Magic Currency Converter - No Hassle, No Extra Steps!

    Magic currency converter provides a solution for customers who want to eliminate extra steps or hassle when converting their currency. This converter quickly and easily converts prices from hundreds of currencies into local ones, allowing customers to make informed purchasing decisions without having to jump through hoops. Additionally, it decreases customer frustration and cart abandonment by eliminating the need for them to research exchange rates or manually convert prices

    Magic currency converter provides a solution for customers who want to eliminate extra steps or hassle when converting their currency. This converter quickly and easily converts prices from hundreds of currencies into local ones, allowing customers to make informed purchasing decisions without having to jump through hoops. Additionally, it decreases customer frustration and cart abandonment by eliminating the need for them to research exchange rates or manually convert prices more
    • Magic currency converter quickly and easily converts prices
    • Quickly and easily converts prices from hundreds of currencies into local ones
    • Decreases customer frustration and cart abandonment

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