Magic 404 logo

Magic 404


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90 Days Free Trial

Fix broken 404 links and automatic 301 redirect

No coding required
Fix 404 links
Automatic 301 redirect

About Magic 404

Launched Apr 08, 2021


Built by Smart Ecom Tech

Email :

[email protected]


7391 Pacific Circle, Mississauga, ON, L5T 2A4, CA

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BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
(1,880 Reviews)
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Loyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...


Say Goodbye to 404 Links with Magic 404

Magic 404 is an incredibly helpful application that can eliminate any and all pesky 404 links from your store. This easy-to-use tool takes the hassle out of dealing with missing pages or broken links, quickly redirecting customers to their intended destination. It's designed to be as user-friendly as possible, requiring no coding knowledge or technical expertise to set up. With Magic 404, you can ensure a smooth browsing experience for your customers.

Magic 404 is an incredibly helpful application that can eliminate any and all pesky 404 links from your store. This easy-to-use tool takes the hassle out of dealing with missing pages or broken links, quickly redirecting customers to their intended destination. It's designed to be as user-friendly as possible, requiring no coding knowledge or technical expertise to set up. With Magic 404, you can ensure a smooth browsing experience for your customers. more
  • Magic 404 eliminates pesky 404 links from your store
  • Easy-to-use, no coding knowledge or technical expertise required
  • Ensures a smooth browsing experience for customers


  • Eliminates 404 links from your store, ensuring smooth browsing experience for customers
  • Easy-to-use and user-friendly, requiring no coding knowledge or technical expertise to set up
  • Automatically redirects customers to their intended destination
  • Reduces the hassle of dealing with missing pages or broken links


  • Features and functionalities are dependent on user reviews
  • Potential limitations in handling complex websites with numerous broken links

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