Lunatag ‑ Sell with Pictures logo

Lunatag ‑ Sell with Pictures

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Turn visitors into buyers through Shoppable pictures

Shoppable pictures
Lifestyle images
Look book experience
Engagement interaction
Product highlights

About Lunatag ‑ Sell with Pictures

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21 Pepper Street, 3rd floor, Cape Town, WC, 8001, ZA

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BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
(1,874 Reviews)
  • Sponsored

Loyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...


# "Tell a story through your pictures" Your customers love seeing how your products look through lifestyle images. Make shopping easy for them by highlighting your products through images. Create engagement and interaction by showcasing your offering in action. Help shoppers get direct information about your product range while they scroll through your page. Create a unique look book experience where they can engage with your product, creating trust and encouraging sales. #...

# "Tell a story through your pictures" Your customers love seeing how your products look through lifestyle images. Make shopping easy for them by highlighting your products through images. Create engagement and interaction by showcasing your offering in action. Help shoppers get direct information about your product range while they scroll through your page. Create a unique look book experience where they can engage with your product, creating trust and encouraging sales. #... more


  • Enhances customer engagement through shoppable lifestyle images
  • Facilitates easy shopping by highlighting products within images
  • Creates a unique and interactive look book experience that can build trust and encourage sales
  • Helps in showcasing products in real-life settings, which can be more appealing to customers


  • The description provided is repetitive and not detailed in terms of technical functionalities or unique selling points
  • There is no mention of integration capabilities with existing e-commerce platforms or social media
  • Lack of information about pricing, customer support, or performance metrics
  • Limited reviews and ratings make it difficult to gauge overall customer satisfaction and reliability of the app

Top Helpful Reviews

The Knickknack Shack by Darthside LLC

Nov 20, 2022  on Shopify

The app doesn't work. I installed it and when I try to open the app it just takes me to a blank screen. I reached out to support for help and never got an answer, so I'm uninstalling the app. I don't even know what it does since I never got it to work.


Apr 06, 2022  on Shopify

Great application! Exactly what I was looking for! The onboarding was really smooth and I was able to tag products on my hero image in no time! Highly recommend!

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