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LSA Low Stock Alert logo

LSA Low Stock Alert


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14 Days Free Trial

Receive email alerts when your products get low in stock.

Email alerts
Daily reports
Product filtering
Multiple locations support
Csv export
Instant notifications
Custom email addresses

About LSA Low Stock Alert

Launched Jan 20, 2016


Built by 1719 Solutions Inc.

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Receive email alerts for items low in stock. Don't lose a sale due to out-of-stock items.

Don't lose sales or credibility when an item goes out of stock before you notice. Low Stock Alerts solves this problem by notifying you any time a product falls below your specified stock level. You'll get daily emails about all low stock items and optionally instant email alerts as soon as a product goes below the threshold. You can view the low stock items at any time through the app user interface and also export the list in a CSV file (also sent via daily email).

Don't lose sales or credibility when an item goes out of stock before you notice. Low Stock Alerts solves this problem by notifying you any time a product falls below your specified stock level. You'll get daily emails about all low stock items and optionally instant email alerts as soon as a product goes below the threshold. You can view the low stock items at any time through the app user interface and also export the list in a CSV file (also sent via daily email). more
  • Regularly scheduled email reports (e.g. daily) for all products low in stock
  • Multiple location support
  • Instant email notifications as soon as a product goes low in stock
  • Product filtering based on variant name, collection membership, and/or location
  • Multiple alerts can be active with custom email addresses


  • Provides regular email alerts to help prevent stockouts
  • Allows specification of threshold levels for stock alerts
  • Daily emails summarizing all low stock items improve monitoring
  • Optional instant email alerts for immediate attention to low stock items
  • User interface allows viewing low stock items at any time
  • CSV export functionality for low stock items via the app or daily email
  • Supports multiple locations, ideal for businesses with several inventory points
  • Customizable product filtering based on variant name, collection membership, and location
  • Multiple active alerts can be set up with specific email addresses, enhancing customization


  • Receiving daily emails could lead to email fatigue
  • Instant alerts may be overwhelming for high-volume stores with many products

Top Helpful Reviews

To Go Packaging

Feb 19, 2024  on Shopify

Just downloaded it 02/19/2024 and set up some alerts and it instantly pulled all the items that were below the par level. I even found some item that are out of stock that we have a whole pallet of. I should receive an emailed report tomorrow and will update my review, but so far, it is a great investment! also check us out! We are open to the public! @ ToGoPackaging.com

Route One Apparel

Oct 26, 2021  on Shopify

This app has a lot of promise. In the most basic form, it does it's job - you can set up alerts, do basic inclusion/exclusions, and set a date for it to be sent. That's basically where the features end. - There have been no known updates/changes since I've been using this app for over 2 years - There are known glitches I have emailed the programmer about - The last several emails I have sent the programmer about glitches go unreplied to I have been trying to be patient with this developer but unfortunately at this point the app is not doing as promised. Specifically: the exclusion lists I have for certain products are not filtering, and the items are still being included in alerts. Only reason why I'm not giving it 1 star is because the name is "Low Stock Alerts" and it does send me low stock alerts. Just doesn't really work half of the time :)


Feb 11, 2021  on Shopify

Perfect app for managing stock inventory, and great support staff. App is very easy to use and easily integrates with shopify store. Would highly recommend.

Hillberg And Berk

Mar 07, 2018  on Shopify

Low Stock Alert functions exactly how we need it! We are notified when certain products fall below a certain threshold, which allows us to act fast and restock so our clients aren't left wanting!

The Halloween Spot

Jun 21, 2017  on Shopify

Great APP. Works like a charm. will definitely recommend to another store. Check us out. www.thehalloweenspot.com

Trail Designs

May 16, 2017  on Shopify

It does what it promises and does it for free. What more could you ask? This is an edit of my original review (no star change, but some updates). I didn't understand at first how the collections worked and I was thinking in terms of collections based on product types. That isn't really what we wanted though. So now as we get closer to launch, we created three collections and alerts: one for items where inventory has dropped to zero (SOLD OUT!), one for items where inventory is 1-5 ("critically low") and one for items where inventory is 6-10 ("watch list"). This is working pretty well for us. Many ways you can use this that I didn't think of. Still, this fills a need for a feature that really should be built into Shopify. Crazy that it's an app at all, but this app fills the void just fine and the price is right! One small enhancement that would be great: if the email included the name of the collection in the subject line, that would be slick

Scarlet Bloom

Jan 06, 2017  on Shopify

The App is very useful. It allows me to keep ahead of my inventory status and re-order stock before an item complete phase out. I would recommend it to others. Besides, it FREE so I have nothing to lose.

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