Head Page Notia logo

Head Page Notia

Improve store pages with structure data schema.org and SEO

Improve seo ranking
Add tracking codes
Insert scripts
Edit head section
Structured data json
Schema.org integration

About Head Page Notia

Launched Jun 18, 2024


Built by NOTIA Informační systémy, spol. s r.o.

Email :

[email protected]


Londýnská 730/59, Praha, 12000, CZ

Website Privacy policy FAQ


The application allows you to add code to head section of your shop pages. Add tracking codes, pixels or scripts to improve your pages ranking in search results. Give your pages a structured look by adding JSON code according to Schema.org.

The application allows you to add code to head section of your shop pages. Add tracking codes, pixels or scripts to improve your pages ranking in search results. Give your pages a structured look by adding JSON code according to Schema.org. more
  • You can add a script for the head section separately for each page.
  • You can edit the head section on the home page.
  • You can set a code that will be inserted into all pages.


  • Allows addition of tracking codes, pixels, or scripts to improve pages ranking in search results
  • Facilitates structured data implementation according to Schemaorg, enhancing SEO
  • Enables adding scripts separately for each page, providing customization flexibility
  • Supports editing the head section on the home page
  • Allows setting a code that will be inserted into all pages for consistent site-wide modifications


  • The app's functionality may be complex for users who are not familiar with coding or SEO practices
  • Lacks a user interface for guided implementation, which might be challenging for beginners
  • Potential risks of incorrect code insertion adversely affecting the site's performance

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