Haloo logo


Develop by Haloo
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Search your trademarks quickly and easily, for free.

    Trademark check
    Domain eligibility
    Social handles availability
    Brand name search
    Product names search
    Slogans search
    Logos search

    About Haloo

    Launched Dec 29, 2022



    Verify your trademarks using our quick and easy search tool.

    In less than one minute our tool will show you if your trademark is legally clear, if your domain is eligible for registration, and if your social handles are available. You can quickly search your brand name, product names, slogans or taglines, and logos. Trademark search and registration are important for big and small brands, they stop competitors from using your name or logo and they ensure you can legally own your domain and social handles.

    In less than one minute our tool will show you if your trademark is legally clear, if your domain is eligible for registration, and if your social handles are available. You can quickly search your brand name, product names, slogans or taglines, and logos. Trademark search and registration are important for big and small brands, they stop competitors from using your name or logo and they ensure you can legally own your domain and social handles. more
    • Check if your trademark is legally clear.
    • Search for trademark names, logos, and taglines.
    • Check if your domain is eligible for registration.
    • Check if your social handles are available.

    Rating And Reviews


    Feb 12, 2024  on Shopify

    The app has great potential and I can see it's relevance and it's usefulness to businesses. The searches to verify your domain, social handle and trade mark is a great idea. However it's limited to only being able to select USA or Canada as primary jurisdiction's, this then makes it irrelevant for anyone outside those two countries. Great concept team maybe adding options to search in relevant country your business is registered in.

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