FT GeoRedirect logo

FT GeoRedirect


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14 Days Free Trial

Redirect your visitors to another URL based on their country.

Fraud prevention
Precise geolocation detection
Multiple country support
Slug url redirection
Effective traffic targeting
Improved conversion rates

About FT GeoRedirect

Launched Apr 25, 2023


Built by Fetchtex Limited

Email :

[email protected]


85 Great Portland Road, London, ENG, w1w 7lt, GB

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FT GeoRedirect helps you to redirect or block your visitors to related URLs based on their country.

FT GeoRedirect helps you redirect or block visitors based on their location. By using geolocation data, merchants can target traffic more effectively, improving conversion rates and reducing the risk of fraud. Perfect for merchants who sell in multiple regions or countries, our app makes it easier to manage traffic and increase revenue.

FT GeoRedirect helps you redirect or block visitors based on their location. By using geolocation data, merchants can target traffic more effectively, improving conversion rates and reducing the risk of fraud. Perfect for merchants who sell in multiple regions or countries, our app makes it easier to manage traffic and increase revenue. more
  • Precise geolocation detection.
  • Include as many countries as you'd like and put a redirection URL.
  • Slug URL redirection


  • Precise geolocation detection
  • Ability to include many countries and customize redirection URLs
  • Slug URL redirection feature which provides advanced targeting options
  • Improves conversion rates by targeting traffic more effectively
  • Reduces the risk of fraud by blocking certain locations
  • Helps manage traffic and potentially increase revenue, especially for merchants selling in multiple regions or countries


  • Potential for technical issues with geolocation accuracy
  • May inadvertently block legitimate users, leading to reduced traffic
  • Complex configuration might be challenging for users with limited technical knowledge
  • Dependency on accurate and up-to-date geolocation data

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