Chokusai Forms logo

Chokusai Forms

Develop by corekara
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Custom application forms for optimized recruitment process

    About Chokusai Forms

    Launched Aug 23, 2024


    Built by corekara

    Email :

    [email protected]


    東京都新宿区四谷三丁目5番地, 文化エステート四谷ビル6階, 新宿区新宿, JP-13, 160-0004, JP

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    Optimize your recruitment process with custom application forms for your candidates.

    Streamline your recruitment by creating customized job application forms that suit your unique hiring needs. Easily design, manage, and deploy tailored application forms directly from your Shopify store.

    Streamline your recruitment by creating customized job application forms that suit your unique hiring needs. Easily design, manage, and deploy tailored application forms directly from your Shopify store. more
    • Simple Form Builder: Create job application forms with a drag-and-drop interface
    • Custom Fields: Add and modify a variety of fields (text boxes, dropdowns, etc)
    • HR Systems Integration: Seamlessly integrate with your preferred HR system

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