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Website Privacy policy FAQコーディネートまとめ買いでCVR & 客単価UP Show more
Codebuyは商品をコーディネートして見せ、ユーザーが欲しい商品だけ選んでまとめて購入できるアプリです。コーディネートで商品を見せることでCVR UPを図れる上に1画面でまとめて商品を選択しカートにいれることができるので、客単価UPを狙うことも可能です。アパレルはもちろんのこと、インテリアコーディネートやレシピの紹介にも最適です。
Unlock new streams of shoppers with AI-powered marketing tools Show more
Buzzify makes creating effective ad campaigns effortless, even if you're not a marketing expert. Showcase your products to new customers and grow your business with ease. Designed for small merchants, Buzzify helps you save time, reduce costs, and maximize revenue with minimal effort.
Custom application forms for optimized recruitment process Show more
Streamline your recruitment by creating customized job application forms that suit your unique hiring needs. Easily design, manage, and deploy tailored application forms directly from your Shopify store.
コーディネートまとめ買いでCVR & 客単価UP...
Unlock new streams of shoppers with AI-powered marketing...
Custom application forms for optimized recruitment process...