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Customer reviews: SM Estimated Delivery Date ETA

Develop by Simesy

Reviews (61)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

The "SM Estimated Delivery Date ETA" app has garnered overwhelmingly positive feedback from merchants. Users appreciate its efficiency, ease of installation, and the ability to customize features that enhance e-commerce platforms. Outstanding customer support, especially from team members like Justin, has been frequently commended. Many merchants report increased conversion rates and sales after implementing the app, considering it a valuable tool for boosting store performance.

Key Strengths

  • Simple and quick installation process.
  • Effective features like countdown timers and delivery date displays that drive sales.
  • Highly customizable with responsive customer support.
  • Cost-effective, often mentioned as having great value for money.
  • Integration and onboarding process that enhances user satisfaction.

Common Concerns

  • Occasional lack of certain niche features for specific store needs.

Final Thoughts

"SM Estimated Delivery Date ETA" is widely appreciated by users for its versatility and efficacy in improving e-commerce performance. With exceptional customer support and a suite of valuable features, it is highly recommended by merchants, particularly those looking for an accessible and budget-friendly tool to enhance their online store's functionality and increase sales.

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Mar 28, 2024  on Shopify

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