Display Clippable Coupons & Discounts on Your Product Page. Show more
Create fixed amount discount code with min. purchase threshold
Order limits by minimum and maximum amount
Sticky add to cart. Boost sales & conversions. Show more
Customize your checkout UI through adding a discount indicator
Create discounts per unit, percentage or fixed discount Show more
Amount off shipping, discount based on some specific rules Show more
Mix and match bundles, quantity breaks, volume discounts Show more
Offer fixed or percentage discount based on the user's country Show more
DealConnect App enables Fixed cart checkout value, separate Show more
Cart Subtotal discount to maximize sales and AOV Show more
Offer fixed bundles and multipacks to drive more sales Show more
Setup shipping protection based on percentage and fixed plans Show more
Setup B2B, Wholesale , Discount, Net Terms, Tiered Prices etc. Show more
Manage Scheduled Local Delivery Show more
Sync orders, inventory and get accounting done simultaneously Show more
Only app that supports taxable variable fees for POS (eg PIF) Show more
CPS(Cost Per Sale) Advertising Tool , ROI 2.5 and above. Show more
Customize Product Bundles at Fixed, Discounted Prices. Show more
Boost conversions with customizable countdowns and automatic timer reset features. Show more