SureFit Year Make Model Search logo

SureFit Year Make Model Search

Develop by SureDone, Inc


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14 Days Free Trial

Enable parts fitment compatibility year make model search.

Auto generate dropdown
Match parts refinement
Mygarage vehicle storage
Universal fitment display
Seo optimized results
Enterprise ready
1 Reviews

About SureFit Year Make Model Search

Launched Sep 07, 2022


Built by SureDone, Inc

Email :

[email protected]


115 E 23rd St, FL 3, New York, NY, 10010, US

Website Privacy policy


Use ACES/eBay EPIDs to create a year/make/model search and then surface and refine matching parts.

Auto generate a year/make/model dropdown using your existing eBay EPIDs or ACES fitment data and then display matching parts. Results can be further refined with sliders and other selections. MyGarage allows buyers to store their vehicles with item pages showing "This fits your vehicle" and a table with additional fitment. Universal fitment for parts that fit every vehicle. SEO optimized results. Enterprise ready to support millions of products with speed. Soon supporting engine and trim.

Auto generate a year/make/model dropdown using your existing eBay EPIDs or ACES fitment data and then display matching parts. Results can be further refined with sliders and other selections. MyGarage allows buyers to store their vehicles with item pages showing "This fits your vehicle" and a table with additional fitment. Universal fitment for parts that fit every vehicle. SEO optimized results. Enterprise ready to support millions of products with speed. Soon supporting engine and trim. more
  • Use your existing eBay EPIDS or ACES data - no need to spend time augmenting.
  • Auto generates the year, make and models from the products you have live.
  • Results page allows for further refinement with built-in and custom facets.
  • MyGarage stores buyer's vehicles and shows "This item fits" on the product page.
  • Enterprise ready for millions of parts. Requires Store 2.0 and a SureDone acct.


  • Auto generates a year, make, and model dropdown using existing eBay EPIDs or ACES fitment data, saving users time
  • Allows buyers to store their vehicles with the 'MyGarage' feature, making future searches more efficient
  • Displays 'This fits your vehicle' on item pages, enhancing user experience and confidence in purchases
  • Includes a table with additional fitment details, providing comprehensive information
  • Supports universal fitment for parts that fit every vehicle, broadening the usability of the app
  • SEO optimized results help in improving search engine rankings and visibility
  • Enterprise ready to support millions of products, ensuring scalability and performance
  • Soon to support engine and trim, expanding the precision of fitment searches


  • Requires Store 20 and a SureDone account, potentially limiting accessibility for some users
  • Detailed features like built-in and custom facets for results pages may require a learning curve to fully utilize

Rating And Reviews


Jan 09, 2023  on Shopify

Great app with great features. I like this app, because of the Year, Make and Model functions. It took me 5 minuter to install it.

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