ezDelivr logo


Ship to all places in India with our widest network.

Global shipping
Rate comparison
24/7 availability
Multiple carriers
Easy interface
Door-step pickup

About ezDelivr

Launched May 24, 2024


Built by Razorback Technologies Pvt Ltd


Our mesh network, powered by our logistics partners can deliver things quickly to any place you like - No matter how small or big it weighs. Convenient door-step pickup & delivery. We are open all days, all the time. Book, print, pack & ship from anywhere in the world. Choose the offerings of our network partners that works for you, all under one platform.

Our mesh network, powered by our logistics partners can deliver things quickly to any place you like - No matter how small or big it weighs. Convenient door-step pickup & delivery. We are open all days, all the time. Book, print, pack & ship from anywhere in the world. Choose the offerings of our network partners that works for you, all under one platform. more
  • Widest network within India.
  • Minimal, easy to use interface.
  • Option of multiple carriers with rate comparison to choose from.


  • Widest network within India
  • Convenient door-step pickup & delivery
  • Open all days, all the time
  • Option to book, print, pack & ship from anywhere in the world
  • Multiple carriers with rate comparison to choose from
  • Minimal, easy to use interface


  • Repetitive information in the description might indicate lack of other unique features
  • No specific details on pricing structure or delivery speed
  • No reviews included to gauge customer satisfaction or common issues

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