Hide, sort and rename payment methods based on set conditions
ETP Hide & Sort Payments helps merchants customize their checkout experience by allowing them to hide, sort, and rename payment methods like Cash on Delivery (COD) or credit card options. Ideal for stores with multiple payment methods, our app streamlines checkout by organizing options based on ZIP code, address, country, customer tag, product tag, SKU, shipping method, or weight. Our app makes managing payment option straightforward and efficient, ultimately boosting customer satisfaction.
Hide, rename, reorder payment methods based on your conditions...
Take control hiding, sorting & renaming payment methods...
Hide, sort, reorder & rename the payment methods conditionally...
Checkout customize to reorder, rename & hide payment...
Sticky Add to Cart, Buy Button, Cart Slider & Cart Upsell...
Auto add to cart Free Gift with purchase & cart upsell...
Live price calculator for custom options & bulk products...
Hide, rename, reorder payment methods based on your conditions...