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Customer reviews: eStore2App Mobile App Builder

Develop by Dhanashree Inc

Reviews (32)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Overall, merchants have a positive impression of "eStore2App Mobile App Builder," appreciating its professional team, ease of use, and excellent customer service. The app is praised for its seamless functionality, timely delivery of services, and responsiveness to custom requests.

Key Strengths

  • Professional and skilled team that is easy to work with
  • Quick implementation of custom features
  • Excellent customer service with rapid responses
  • Easy submission process to app stores
  • Responsive to post-production requests and modifications
  • Reasonable pricing with good value for money

Common Concerns

  • Initial navigation and usage can be confusing
  • Requires payment to fully activate and test features
  • App navigation on demo platform can be problematic
  • Issues with loading certain features on the demo app
  • Lack of direct communication channels like WhatsApp for support

Final Thoughts

"eStore2App Mobile App Builder" is generally well-received by merchants, offering a professional and reliable service with a focus on customer satisfaction. While there are some concerns about navigation and the demo experience, the overall user experience and support are considered outstanding, making it a recommended choice for app development.


Jun 18, 2024  on Shopify

While working with this confusing and laggy app builder, tech support will only replys by email, not whatsapp, first off. Second, trying to really complete anything without first paying for a plan, is a no go. Trying to navagate this app and veiw your work on their demo app is really confusing and hard to navagate, not to mention, when you are viewing your work on their demo app, some stuff doesn't load and I would put the amount of collections to be scrolled, and their platform would automatically add the same collection several times. Take your chances

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